I connected a service but messages are not showing
- We only fetch UNREAD messages and INCOMPLETE tasks. Anything that's been marked as read or complete in the source service will not be pulled in.
- Note that it can take up to 60 seconds for new messages to appear in your inbox as our servers regularly check for new messages in intervals.
I read a message in it's real service, but it's still showing in this inbox
- If you perform an action on a message in your inbox, it will remain for at least 1 hour. This is to prevent the message from unexpectedly disappearing before you're done performing actions on it.
I get a lot of IMAP errors in my logs
- Most IMAP servers have a fixed limit of how many connections you are allowed at one time. If you have many devices or apps continually connecting to your IMAP server, it is normal that some connections will error out. You can safely ignore these.
- If the number of errors exceeds the daily threshold and the connection is disabled, verify your connection parameters to make sure they are still correct, and simply re-enable the service.